To find out if your course is participating in Student Feedback, please check with your school administrator or department chair.
About 2 weeks before your course opens up for feedback from students, you will receive an email from the system to check that you are the correct instructor, the timing is appropriate, and for you add optional questions to the question bank. If you would like to add questions, it is a 2-step process and is time sensitive.
The first day of the student feedback period for your course, you will receive an email with the begin and end dates of the feedback period. Although there are default dates for the feedback periods, your school/department may have selected an alternate date, so this email is the most accurate source of your start/end dates. Also, in this email is a link to view what questions are posed to students. Click on the word "Preview" next to the course you're interested in viewing the questions.
Email reminders: Students will receive an email the first day and reminder emails until they have no courses left open for feedback. It is best if instructors remind students with an announcement in class or via email. Instructors can always refer students to this URL: Upon login, students will see a list of courses for which they can provide feedback.
Extra credit: If instructors choose to offer extra credit for students to provide feedback, we will only release student information if at least 5 students have responded. Student responses will not be linked to their names. This is only available immediately after the closing of the period, and we can only provide NetIDs (no names). Please email [email protected] to make your request before the feedback period closes and include the semester, subject code, course and section numbers, and CRN.
Results are released approximately 3 weeks after the close date of the feedback period. A PDF report is emailed to each instructor. For co-taught courses, all instructors will see results to course-related questions, and only their own instructor-related questions. Results are only released for courses with at least 3 respondents. Instructors may also log into the system to view their results ( Use your GW email address ( and password. If you forgot password, please visit